Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Red Comets

I awoke from a dream within a dream. I was in a room that was lit only by a few small lamps in the corners. I could see cheesy artwork adorning the beige colored walls. I was laying in a large bed with the sheets thrown over me. Something was different about me. Directly in front of me was an enormous glass window and through it I could see EVERYTHING. I could see the entire nights sky with millions of stars lighting it blackness and a few clouds stretched across it's horizons. Just below I could see the earth. Almost as though I was on the tallest mountain peak in the world. I was lying on a bed in a hotel room somewhere between the earth and the heavens above. As I took in all of the sights that came into my window I noticed something reflection. I was extremely obese and my hair was thinning. I was shocked at the sight of myself but all I could seem to care about was where the remote for the tv was. I leaned over to check a convenient armrest pocket that had been installed onto the side of my bed. Just I was struggling to find it something else caught my attention outside the window. Between all of the twinkling millions of stars I should see shooting streaks of red, almost like wishing stars, but these were much different. Just before one would appear the sky would stretch and pull as if wormhole were opening up. It would fly across the atmosphere for a few seconds and then go out just as it had came, it would stretch the sky to it's limits and disappear. I watched them zip past my eyes for a few seconds until I realized no one would believe me unless I got evidence. Where I stumbled to find a tv remote just minutes before I now fumbled for a camera of some-kind. Suddenly my hotel lights flickered out and the blinds to my giant window came crashing down. My heart was racing but I just told myself it had a reasonable explanation. I stared at the closed blinds for a few seconds (my fat and lazy ass wasn't getting up to fix them). As I stared and stared to my absolute horror I saw them get scrunched and pulled back by some invisible force! I leaped out of bed with all the energy I could muster. The blinds crunching and crinkling in all different places as if some unseen hand was grabbing them in their fist. I screamed and swatted at the air hoping to hit the invisible bastard! The fear was so strong I ran into a corner just behind the bed and in front of the main door. There I gripped the bleach white hotel sheets from my bed, my eyes so frightened to close. There would be no more rest that night.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Black Ocean

I laid my head down on my pillow last night with only an hour to go before work. Sleep came and went within those 60 minutes. My heart was thumping too hard inside my chest. A dream did come between all of this unrest, however. There I was, floating just above the surface of a windy body of water. I could only hear the sound of small waves. As i peered into the blackness of the abyss I felt as though something was looking back at me. Just as the thought crossed my mind a tentacle shot up out of the tar colored tides. Then another, and another. They swayed and whipped in all directions. I felt myself slowly lowering into the water just as a large beak rose up and opened it's tremendous jaws and swallowed me whole. I woke up with a start and checked the time. Five minutes before my alarm was due to go off.