Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Black Ocean

I laid my head down on my pillow last night with only an hour to go before work. Sleep came and went within those 60 minutes. My heart was thumping too hard inside my chest. A dream did come between all of this unrest, however. There I was, floating just above the surface of a windy body of water. I could only hear the sound of small waves. As i peered into the blackness of the abyss I felt as though something was looking back at me. Just as the thought crossed my mind a tentacle shot up out of the tar colored tides. Then another, and another. They swayed and whipped in all directions. I felt myself slowly lowering into the water just as a large beak rose up and opened it's tremendous jaws and swallowed me whole. I woke up with a start and checked the time. Five minutes before my alarm was due to go off.

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